Americans may have tuned out of coronavirus news as they focused on the outcome of the presidential election, but the pandemic has quietly been getting worse in the country.
Moderna said Monday its COVID-19 vaccine is proving to be highly effective in a major trial, a second dash of hope in the global race for a shot to tame a resurgent virus that is now killing more than 8,000 people a day worldwide.
Reuters) - Delhi’s COVID-19 deaths rose by a record number on Thursday and it reported the most infections in India, as government officials in Germany dampened hopes that a partial lockdown there would be lifted at the end of November.
Studies conducted in April and May 2020 showed that in countries like the United States, Switzerland, and Italy, between 55 and 70% of adults in all age groups were willing to download a contact tracing app (5).
Yet these figures do not match the current DCT apps uptake. Even in countries with robust privacy safeguards in place, downloads of DCT apps have been below expectations. At the time of writing, the Australian DCT app has been downloaded by 6.5 million (26% of the population), the Italian one by 8 million (13.4%), and the newly released French one by 1.5 million (2.3%). Ireland has about 1.3 million active app users (24%), Switzerland 1.8 million (21.5%), and Germany 16 million (19.3%).
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